indigo sparke

writer // singer // lucid dreamer

a mindful lobotomy

this mind. this wild wild mind. like an untamed beastly creature striding through the field of life and illusion and delusion. this last 10 days I took in a dip in the Ganges of Dhamma and sat my first Vipassana Meditation as taught by Goenka. I am sure many of you are familiar with this teaching of the Buddha or know of it but for those that don’t, it is a 10 day completely silent sitting. each day is a 17.5 hour day waking at 4am and going to sleep at 9.30pm, meditating from 4.30am-6.30am, 8am-11am, 1pm-5pm, 6pm-7pm, 8.30pm-9pm with a discourse from the teacher from 7-8.30pm. you share noble silence, have no phone, no writing, no reading and no food after 11am, only a piece of fruit at 5pm.It was one of the most challenging things I have ever done, and also the most beautifully profound experience. humanities limbs and backbone are laced with a bitter misery, a clinging or aversion to everything, an absolute desire to race to death but no will to face it. we paint ourselves with so many stories, adorn ourselves with scriptures, ideas and philosophies and offer a perfectly crafted projection of ourselves to the world. we dwell in blind devotion and emotional games, commercial spirituality, and rely on our intellectual understanding of things to ease our discomfort of not truly understanding the deep nature of ourselves or our existence. I always wondered how to explode the truth of myself… questioned, how can we shatter these characters we create, strip back the layers and meet in the objective totality of by some cosmic redirection I arrived here… to show up for myself, to find and make a home inside this body. and I began. to dissect, dissolve, disintegrate. to pick apart the stitching, pry apart my ribs, and pull out the stuffing of my mind and heart and really, truly, deeply observe my ideas, thoughts, feelings, and sensations. in this place I sat. I sat. I sat. I sat with the cities in my bones, I knocked down doors to bolted rooms, and quietly walked through shadowed hallways and found myself in the catacombs of yesterday’s memories and tomorrow’s futures. It was brutal. and beautiful. some days the minutes felt like hours, lifetimes! and sometimes the hours felt like mere moments flashed by in one singular out breath. I wanted to run screaming. I wanted to leave every single day. I wanted to ignorantly just slide back into the scramble of life and forget the whole thing. but I didn’t. I stayed. and I sat some more. and slowly slowly in the ever elusive and constantly changing nature of it all, rising and passing, I started seeing clearly, getting space, finding my breath and loosing ‘myself’.I truly went mad. I laughed hysterically at the stories my mind made up, the places I went, the dreams I had, the pain I created, the pleasure I ruminated in, and then, one day, after hours of untying the knots, I got still. I saw my mind die in a particularly funny vision and found myself dancing equipoise out on the horizon line of my soul. it was so clear. no clouds. no storms. no crashing waves. just a piercing shade of Indigo meeting an endless open vast sky. no me. no my. no I. in this psycho somatic experience surging within the framework of the body, I couldn’t have realised the more phenomenal truth of impermanence and change. I found the very real, clear and direct roadmap to my own equanimous salvation within. here I found refuge in myself. the path of truth, the path of Dhamma, the law of nature, as it is, the communion with change, ‘Anicca Anicca Anicca’ and glimpses of liberation, free from dukkha – suffering. on the last day of silence, over the burnt copper golden and green Australian bush, it snowed. it was one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen. we all stood there. silently watching. smiles across faces. It lasted only for about 5 minutes. as fertile milky cloud ships sailed across a fading stormy glow sky, the sun came out, and something inside of me cracked open. I couldn’t stop sobbing. It was mother nature’s gift herself, the lesson of Dhamma, the impermanence of it all. It is so insanely achingly beautiful this life. what an exquisite gift. we are so beyond lucky to have been given this experience. and these things are for certain, the moon always rises and passes away, the sun always rises and passes away, and so will we. the skies, opalescent peach flesh flush and translucent blue morning stories will fade, and just like that, the bells will ring. time will beckon us forward, forward. start again. start again. let yourself be infused, continuously, continuously, with loving kindness, compassionate love, sila, samadhi and panna, and run, run hard, persistently, diligently, and patiently towards the light. Metta xxxx

grace in every death

as i travel through skeletal zones of consciousness

Boy, have I been to some places since I saw you last…

Still Orbiting

Sometimes you meet people
And they change your life
In all the best and worst ways possible
Shake you up
Crack you open
Make you breathe again
Those deep oceanic breaths
The kind that soothe your soul
But make you tremble a little
It comes from a knowing
A fit
Two souls re united
There is a kind of erratic excitement
A deep somber melancholia
The thought of losing what you’ve found
The thought of not enough time to share all your stories with this person that feels like…


For a moment in time
You lay down your armour
And unravel
All of your gold and silken threads for the other to weave into the story they want to see of you
Whether its true or not
In this suspended hope
It doesn’t matter

Sometimes these meetings last the rise and fall of many moons

and sometimes

they are hard and fast and explosive

Leaving you speechless


Aimlessly wandering

The world in search of the next shooting star that will explode in your chest and settle into the precious key hole you have saved for the shape of your other half.

Stoned Light Body

I don’t know if it was…

the winds

or the weed

or not being with you

But I felt lighter

And as the wind blew you out of me

My body began to dance

And I was free again

No more binding

My wings had re grown

1 1 16 The Carnivale

To you
To me
To us
To thee
The moon rise
Full in my waning

Freckle star beneath
At above
The light so bright
It is within

To you
To me
To us
To thee

at almost the end of the year

The best and the worst night of our lives
Rewarded with drunken fairies from heaven
Singing tunes until sunrise
Laughs like no other
With you
This is what it feels like
and living
With you
I want this with you

My Renegade

15 Years to You

Planted a most tender
Into the palm of my hand
For all the things
We could not do
And could not say
Up against the edges
Of the cages around us

I don’t even know you…

But the moment your lips touched my skin
My whole world melted
I had to close my eyes
And when I opened them you were looking at me

I wondered what you were thinking
Even though I already knew

The music that had dulled in that stillness
Reclaimed its throbbing beat in my body
Deep and primal

I had to move towards it
Into it
Let it consume me the way I wanted you to
Deep and primal
I had to move towards it
Away from that moment
Leaving it hanging delicately above us
To drift further away into the ether

Closer to the sun


That night I cried frankincense tears

Hoping I would bloom like the flowers of the tree

And my own watering would wash me clean

To stain my skin with that smell forever

Resting eternal in that dream

Woven in time

Spoken in silence

to arrive
at the door
the gateway
to another

I am still tired

Rest comes and goes
caressing me
beneath a smoking Sahdu
whose arm I once bandaged on the banks of the Ganga in Varanasi

Seems a dream ago…

Dragging me to the surface

My mind gets restless of unconscious unraveling

Driving through a city filled with potholes
flat tired
no shoes
dirty face
maybe not

I have filled notebooks with searching and yearning



28 09 2015

There is order inside
There is order outside

Oh to find a flow of the rhythm of the universe

In ritual

I search in hope of falling into this rhythm permanently

When I am in my extremity of ecstatic joy I forget momentarily that my sorrow will visit again

And when I drown in the depths of my sadness I forget the sun can pierce the surface of my ocean

When I am in my heart
All flow freely
Coming and going
Like the tides of change

When I dance I forget all concepts of time and space and I beat with the heart of the universe